1、On your special day, wishing you all the happiness, love and togetherness forever。
2、May your love for each other be as pure and genuine as a diamond that shines forever.
3、祝你們永結同心,百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜! I wish you all the same. Happy wedding, sweet honey!
4、"Here's to a marriage that is as harmonious and peaceful as the tranquil parks and gardens that provide a soothing respite from the busy city streets of Yantai."
5、愿上帝祝福你和你的愛人,永遠賜福于你們?!od bless you and yours, and always bless you.
6、恭祝:新婚快樂,早生貴子! Congratulations: happy wedding and early birth!
7、恭祝:家庭和樂,美滿幸福?!ongratulations: family harmony, happiness.
8、complete meeting of minds
9、祝福一對新人真心相愛,相約永久恭賀新婚之禧! Bless a couple who love each other truly, and make a lasting congratulations on the new Jubilee.
10、Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world and congratulations on your marriage!
11、恭喜你們,祝你們有個美好的蜜月?!ongratulations. Have a nice honeymoon.
12、hundred years of love and a thousand miles of marriage.
13、I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together 我希望你倆的共同生活美滿幸福。祝你和你的新娘幸福歡樂。
14、May you two Wan with love to each other and the mutual understanding and care, Shared future pleasure and pain. With best wishes for a merry roses: harmonious knot! 愿你倆用愛去綰著對方,彼此互相體諒和關懷,共同分享今后的苦與樂。敬祝百年好合永結同心!
15、海石山盟皆繾綣,相親相敬樂綿綿?!he sea, the stone and the mountain are all affectionate. They are close toeach other and enjoy each other.
16、My heart felt congratulations on your coming happy union! 謹向你們即將到來的幸福結合致以衷心的祝賀.
17、恭喜你們步入愛的殿堂,祝百年好合! Congratulations on entering the hall of love.
18、Hoping the best for you two today and forever!
19、It was love that brought you two together, love that joined your hearts as one. And may you find with each new year your love has just begun.
20、你倆恩恩愛愛,意篤情深,此生愛情永恒,愛心與日俱增! The two of you love each other deeply. Your love will last forever and growwith each passing day!
21、真心祝愿兩位百年好合,相親相愛,幸福美滿! I sincerely wish you two years of good luck, love and happiness.
22、愿每年的今日,你們都如同今天這般歡喜恩愛?!ay you all be as happy and loving as you are today.
23、愿你們新婚快樂,幸福美滿! I wish you a happy marriage and a happy life!
24、親愛的姐姐,妹妹真誠地祝你們新婚快樂,白頭偕老,幸福平安?!y dear sister, I sincerely wish you a happy marriage, a long lifetogether, and a happy and safe life.
25、The bride holds the tea hand Chun Chun, Liang Shi Ji day to get married.
26、May your love for each other continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and may your marriage be filled with endless love and happiness!
27、Congratulations and best wishes
28、a happy and wonderful marriage
29、Best wishes to you both and wish you a lifetime of happiness.
30、Happy married life to you guys and wishing you all the wealth and prosperity throughout your life; dont fight!
31、couple of phoenixes on the wing-happy marriage