1、For the first time in my life, I'm getting what I dream of.有生以來的第一次,我正在得到我所夢想的`東西?!侗┢婢墶?/p>
2、It's useless to indulge in illusory dreams and forget real life. Remember.沉湎于虛幻的夢想而忘記現(xiàn)實的生活,這是毫無益處的,千萬記住?!豆げㄌ亍?/p>
3、No matter what others say, words and ideas can really change the world.不管別人怎么說,文字和思想的確能改變世界。——《死亡詩社》
4、Anyway, as long as you are by my side, I don't need heaven.無論怎么樣,只要你在身旁,我就不需要天堂。——《暮光之城》
5、Don't rely on dreams and forget life.不要依賴夢想而忘記生活。——《哈利·波特》
6、As long as you have a good story and a good audience, you're not finished.只要你還有一個好故事,以及一個好聽眾,那么你還沒有完?!逗I箱撉賻煛?/p>
7、They don't have a choice, but you do.他們沒有選擇的機會,但你有?!毒G皮書》
8、The world is still the same, but there are fewer and fewer things worth remembering.世界仍是一樣的,只是值得留戀的越來越少了?!都永毡群1I》
9、It makes no sense to go back to yesterday, because I was different from now回到昨天沒有任何意義,因為那時的我跟現(xiàn)在不同?!稅埯惤z夢游仙境》
10、Now we are being followed by a group of stones, which is unheard of.現(xiàn)在我們正被一群石頭跟著,真是聞所未聞?!都永毡群1I》
11、You have too many principles and think they can save you.你的原則也太多了,還覺得它們能救你?!厄饌b:黑暗騎士》
12、My greatest purpose in life is him. Even if everything else dies, as long as he stays, I can continue to live. And if everything else stays and only he is destroyed, I don't want the world.我活著的最大目的,就是他。即使別的一切都全都消亡了只要他留下來,我就能繼續(xù)活下去。而要是別的一切都留下來,只有他給毀滅了,那我也不要這個世界了?!逗魢[山莊》
13、I stood on the podium to remind myself that we must always look at things differently.我站到講臺上是想提醒我自己,我們必須時刻用不同的眼光來看待事物?!端劳鲈娚纭?/p>
14、Lost things always come back to us, although sometimes not in the way we want.失去的東西總會回到我們身邊,雖然有時并不是以我們希望的方式?!豆げㄌ亍?/p>
15、Because I really hate being in a safe state. Ordinary and moderate people make me feel terrible, or madmen make me feel rational.因為我真的很討厭處于安全狀態(tài),平凡中庸的人們讓我覺得可怕,還是瘋子讓我覺得我還有理智。——《愛麗絲夢游仙境》
16、Nothing can stop the burning passion, including death.沒有什么東西能阻擋燃燒的激情,包括死亡。——《呼嘯山莊》
17、Dear, it's strange today. Yesterday everything was as usual. I was thinking whether I had changed quietly in the long night.親愛的,今天真奇怪,昨天一切如常,我在想,漫漫長夜我是否悄然改變?!稅埯惤z夢游仙境》
18、No matter what you do, don't give up.不管你做什么,都不要放棄!——《瘋狂動物城》
19、There is no wrong step in tango, not like life. He is simple, so charming.探戈里無所謂錯步的,不像人生。他簡單,所以迷人。——《聞香識女人》
20、You don't have to worry so much. I won't want you to marry me.你不用這么擔(dān)心,我不會要你娶我的?!读_馬假日》
21、I never thought about how I would die, but it seems good to die for the people I love most.我從來都沒想過我會怎么死,但為了我最愛的人死去,似乎也不錯?!赌汗庵恰?/p>
22、Because talent alone is not enough, it takes a lot of courage to change people's ideas.因為光靠天份是不夠的,改變?nèi)藗兊挠^念需要很大的勇氣?!毒G皮書》
23、Listen, it's normal not to forget your first love.聽著,忘不了初戀是正常的?!稇賾俟P記本》
24、I used to be as fragile and sensitive as you.我曾經(jīng)和你一樣,脆弱而敏感?!动偪駝游锍恰?/p>
25、Telling the truth is always better than lying.說真話永遠比說謊要好?!豆げㄌ亍?/p>
26、Some people don't think of logical things like money. They can't be bought, intimidated, reasoned or negotiated. Some people just want to see the world burn.有些人想的并不是像錢那樣符合邏輯的東西,他們不能被收買、恐嚇、講道理或者談判,有些人只想看到這個世界燃燒?!厄饌b:黑暗騎士》
27、It's called the art of talking, baby.這叫說話的藝術(shù),寶貝?!动偪駝游锍恰?/p>
28、When I look at you, what I see is not a witty man, a confident man, but a annoying hairy child, an unreasonable hairy child, a useless man.當(dāng)我看著你的時候,我看到的并不是一個機智的男人,自信的男人,而是一個討厭的毛孩子,不懂事理的毛孩子,一個沒用的男人?!缎撵`捕手》
29、The whole world has become an amazing collection of souvenirs, reminding me everywhere that she existed, and I have lost her.整個世界成了一個驚人的紀(jì)念品匯集,處處提醒著我她是存在過的,而我已失去了她!——《呼嘯山莊》
30、In the end, we always do it for ourselves. A gentle and generous person is just a little fairer than an arrogant and overbearing person. When all kinds of situations make both people feel that the interests of one party are not what the other party should care about, happiness is over.到頭來,我們總歸是為了自己。溫和慷慨的人不過比傲慢霸道的人自私的稍微公平一點罷了,等到種種情況使得兩個人都感到一方的利益并不是對方思想中要關(guān)心的事物的時候,幸福就完結(jié)了?!逗魢[山莊》
31、Anyone can accomplish anything.任何人都可以成就任何事?!动偪駝游锍恰?/p>
32、A man likes a woman. He will chase her anyway.男人喜歡一個女人,不管怎樣,他都會把她追到手?!镀鋵嵥麤]那么喜歡你》
33、Expressing our true self is our own choice, which is more important than our ability.表現(xiàn)我們真正的自我,是我們自己的選擇,這比我們所具有的能力更重要?!豆げㄌ亍?/p>
34、She is my sister. She will never hurt me.她是我姐姐,她永遠也不會傷害我。——《冰雪奇緣》
35、Great people are not born great, but show their greatness in the process of growing up.偉大的人不是生下來就偉大的,而是在成長過程中顯示其偉大的?!督谈浮?/p>
36、Death is not terrible. Forgetting is the final farewell. Please remember the people you love and loved.死亡并不可怕,遺忘才是最終的告別,請記住你愛著和愛過的人?!秾舡h(huán)游記》
37、A soft heart without borders will only make the other party gain an inch; Unprincipled kindness will only let the other party do whatever he wants.沒有邊界的心軟,只會讓對方得寸進尺;毫無原則的仁慈,只會讓對方為所欲為?!督谈浮?/p>
38、Nothing is terrible because there are no prosthetics.什么都沒有精神殘廢可怕,因為沒有義肢可裝。——《聞香識女人》
39、They said to have courage, but I'm trying. I'm waiting for you outside. Let me in. We have only each other.他們說要有勇氣,而我在嘗試,我在外面等你,讓我進來吧,我們只有彼此了?!侗┢婢墶?/p>
40、He released all the charm of those eyes on me, as if trying to tell me something important.他把那雙眼睛的全部魅力都釋放在我身上了,好像試圖跟我說某件至關(guān)重要的事情似的?!赌汗庵恰?/p>
41、There is no wrong step in tango, not like life. It's simple, so it's great. If you step wrong or trip, keep jumping.探戈里無所謂錯步的,不像人生。它簡單,所以才棒,要是踏錯步或絆倒了繼續(xù)跳。——《聞香識女人》
42、I have resisted anyone and everything in my life. Only in this way can I feel important, but you resisted for your principles.我這一生反抗任何人所有事,只有這樣我才覺得自己重要,但你卻是為了你的原則而反抗?!堵勏阕R女人》
43、I have no strength to leave you.我已經(jīng)沒有力量離開你了。——《暮光之城》
44、To express our true self is our own choice, which is more important than our ability.表現(xiàn)真正的自我,是我們自己的選擇,這比我們的能力更重要?!豆げㄌ亍?/p>
45、She's my sister. She won't hurt me.她是我姐姐,她不會傷害我的?!侗┢婢墶?/p>
46、I want to be the master of life, not a slave.人并非生來就偉大,而是越活越偉大?!督谈浮?/p>
47、I want to stay in that glorious world and never have trouble. I don't look at it with hazy tears, nor pursue it with painful mood, but really be with it and in it.我很想駐留在那個光輝燦爛的世界去,永遠沒有煩惱,不是以朦朧的淚眼去看它,也不是以痛苦的心情去追求它,而是真正的和它在一起,在它之中?!逗魢[山莊》
48、In fact, like me, you are a monster in people's eyes, but people need you more now.其實你和我一樣,都是人們眼中的怪物,只不過人們現(xiàn)在更需要你罷了?!厄饌b:黑暗騎士》
49、Be a sailor of the world and travel all over the ports.做一個世界的水手,游遍所有的港口?!端劳鲈娚纭?/p>
50、People without action, even if they have millions of lottery tickets, are cowardly and dare not cash them.沒有行動力的人,即使擁有百萬獎券,也窩囊的不敢兌現(xiàn)?!缎撵`捕手》
51、Don't say your ideal easily and don't give others the chance to laugh at you.不要輕易說出你的理想,不給別人嘲笑你的機會?!督谈浮?/p>
52、People on land like to find out and waste a lot of time.陸上的人喜歡尋根問底,虛度了很多光陰?!逗I箱撉賻煛?/p>
53、This is Batman. He can be excluded or make the right choice that no one else can make.這就是蝙蝠俠,他可以被排斥,也可以做出其他人都無法做出的正確選擇。——《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士》
54、The more you try to forget, the more you remember.不管你做什么,都不要放棄!——《瘋狂動物城》
55、I don't want to just wait, because the world is full of lonely people who are afraid to take the first step.我不愿意只是等待,因為這世上到處都是,害怕邁出第一步的孤獨之人?!毒G皮書》
56、I enjoy myself on the limited piano. I'm used to living like that.在有限的鋼琴上,我自得其樂,我過慣那樣的日子。——《海上鋼琴師》
57、I don't know how to say goodbye. I don't know what to say.我不知道該如何道別,我不知道該說什么?!读_馬假日》
58、It took me a lifetime to learn to be careful. Women and children can be careless, but men can't.我花了一輩子就學(xué)會了小心,女人和小孩能夠粗心大意,但是男人不行?!督谈浮?/p>
59、You don't know the real loss. You can only realize it by loving others better than yourself.你不了解真正的失去,唯有愛別人勝于自己才能體會。——《心靈捕手》
60、The princess is waiting for the prince to save, and the queen is saving herself.等待王子拯救的是公主,自己拯救自己的是女王?!侗┢婢墶?/p>
61、Although I said I wanted you to stay one more day, my urine can't wait that long.雖然我說要你多留一天,我的尿可等不了那么久?!堵勏阕R女人》
62、But to save the frozen heart, we can only rely on an action from true love.但解救冰封的心,只能靠一個發(fā)自真愛的行動?!侗┢婢墶?/p>
63、Never trust anything that can think independently unless you see where it hides your mind.永遠不要相信任何能夠獨立思考的東西,除非你看清了它把頭腦藏在什么地方?!豆げㄌ亍?/p>
64、It's useless to indulge in illusory dreams and forget real life. Remember.沉湎于虛幻的夢想,而忘記現(xiàn)實的生活,這是毫無益處的,千萬記住。——《哈利·波特》
65、So believe me, if a man treats you like he doesn't care, he really doesn't care about you at all. There are no exceptions.所以相信我,如果一個男人對待你的方式就像他毫不在乎一樣,那么他真的是完全不在意你的。沒有例外?!镀鋵嵥麤]那么喜歡你》
66、Let friends underestimate your strengths and enemies overestimate your weaknesses.讓朋友低估你的優(yōu)點,讓敵人高估你的缺點?!督谈浮?/p>
67、The best love can awaken our souls, inspire us to pursue our ideals, ignite the fire of passion in our hearts, and bring peace to our hearts.最好的愛能喚醒我們的靈魂,激勵我們追求理想,點燃我們心中的激情之火,也能給我們的內(nèi)心帶來安寧?!稇賾俟P記本》
68、I am the place where the sunset converges with the eaves, your residual astringent injury.我是夕陽與那屋檐匯聚的地方,你殘留的澀傷。——《愛麗絲夢游仙境》
69、Thank God, because if I were not crazy, I might never let you experience the fear of being bombarded.感謝老天爺,因為如果我沒有瘋,可能永遠都不會讓你體驗到被炮轟的恐懼?!都永毡群1I》
70、Look at your heart and start by changing yourself.審視自己的內(nèi)心,從改變自己開始?!动偪駝游锍恰?/p>
71、I won't forgive you, but I will help you.我不會原諒你,但我還是會幫助你?!秾舡h(huán)游記》
72、Now, I have to leave. I walked to the corner and turned. Promise me, don't look at me, drive away and leave me like I left you.現(xiàn)在,我必須離開了。我走到街角,然后轉(zhuǎn)彎。答應(yīng)我,別看著我,把車開走,離開我,就像我離開你?!读_馬假日》
73、I want to do what I like all day. I want to sit in a roadside cafe and look at things in the shop window. Walk in the rain and do something fun or even exciting.我想一整天都做自己喜歡的事情,我想坐在路邊咖啡館,看商店櫥窗里的東西。在雨中漫步,做一些好玩甚至有些刺激的事?!读_馬假日》
74、It took me a lifetime to learn to be careful. Women and children can be careless, but men can't.我花了一輩子,就學(xué)會了小心,女人和小孩能夠粗心大意,但男人不行?!督谈浮?/p>
75、The world is cruel, and the only moral criterion in this cruel world is luck.這個世界很殘酷,而這殘酷的世界唯一的道德準(zhǔn)則,是運氣。——《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士》
76、It doesn't matter what your nature is. What matters is that you start to change.天性如何并不重要,重要的是你開始改變?!动偪駝游锍恰?/p>
77、You don't want to die, but you don't know how to take your life. No one wants to dirty their hands.你不想死,可你不知道怎么奪走生命,沒人想弄臟自己的手。——《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士》
78、In our place, you must keep running to stay where you are.在我們這個地方,你必須不停地奔跑,才能留在原地。——《愛麗絲夢游仙境》
79、Never hate your enemy, because it will affect your judgment.永遠不要恨你的敵人,因為這會影響你的判斷力。——《教父》
80、Don't think I'm unhappy. I won't do that again.別以為我不幸福,我不會再那樣了?!逗I箱撉賻煛?/p>
81、Don't say impossible, nothing is impossible.不要說不可能,沒有什么不可能?!督谈浮?/p>
82、It takes great courage to resist your enemies, but it takes more courage to stand up to your friends.反抗你的敵人需要過人的勇氣,而在朋友面前堅持自己的立場需要更大的勇氣?!豆げㄌ亍?/p>
83、When necessary, please learn to let go.必要的時候,請學(xué)會放手?!侗┢婢墶?/p>
1.your power will only grow.你的魔力只會越來越強大
There is beauty in it...它會帶來幸福
But also great danger.也會帶來災(zāi)難
You must learn to control it.一定要學(xué)會掌控你的魔力
Fear will be your enemy.記住,恐懼是你的敵人
2.Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets打開大門,讓我揭開你的秘密 and exploit your riches.榨干你的財富
3.But its only for today.但是只有在今天
Its only for today! Its agony to wait.-只有在今天! -跟痛苦說再見
4.Are you okay? - Ive never been better.你還好嗎? -我好得很呢!
This is so nice.我今天好開心
I wish it could be like this all the time.真希望永遠都能像今天一樣
Me too...我也希望...
5.Ive been searching my whole life to find my own place.
6.Why? Why do you shut me out?!不 為什么?為什么要把我拒之門外? Why do you shut the world out?!為什么要把自己和整個世界隔絕?! What are you so afraid of?!你到底在害怕什么?
7.Its time to see what I can do,現(xiàn)在開始放下一切
To test the limits and Break through.挑戰(zhàn)我的突破和極限
No right, No wrong, No rules for me...沒有規(guī)則,沒有界限
Im free!自由的`天地!
8.Please dont shut me out again.請別再把我拒之門外
Please dont slam the door.別再關(guān)上門
You dont have to keep your distance anymore.你不必和我保持距離
Cause for the first time in forever,這是我生命里第一次
I finally understand.終于懂你心
For the first time in forever, We can fix this hand in hand.
這是我們兩人第一次 姐妹同心渡難關(guān)
9.We can face this thing together...我們一起攜手面對..
10.But only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.但解救冰封的心,只能靠一個發(fā)自真愛的行動
1:don’t cry because it came to an end. smile because it heppened.不要因為它的結(jié)束而哭,應(yīng)當(dāng)因為它的發(fā)生而笑。
2:I'll think of you every step of the way.我會想你,在漫漫長路的每一步。
3:if you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain. 離開我就別安慰我,要知道每一次縫補也會遭遇穿刺的痛。
5:eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation . 永恒的真理如果不在新的社會形勢下賦予新的意義,要么就不是真理,要么就不是永恒的。
6:The time of life is short ; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long .人生苦短,若虛度年華,則短暫的人生就太長了。
7:fear not that the life shall come to an end,but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.不要害怕你的生活將要結(jié)束,應(yīng)該擔(dān)心你的生活永遠不會真正開始.
8:如果沒有人愛我們,我們也就不會再愛自己了。We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.
9:keep it up! 堅持下去!
10:When you cant rememer why youre hurt, thats when youre healed. 有一天,當(dāng)你發(fā)現(xiàn)再也記不起為了什么而受傷,那就是痊愈之時。
11:when you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us. if the sky is still vast , clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn’t take away the world that belongs to you.當(dāng)你的心真的在痛,眼淚快要流下來的時候,那就趕快抬頭看看,這片曾經(jīng)屬于我們的天空;當(dāng)天依舊是那么的廣闊,云依舊那么的瀟灑,那就不應(yīng)該哭,因為我的離去,并沒有帶走你的世界
12:it hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . but what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel. 只有付出的愛是痛苦的,但比這更痛苦是愛一個人卻沒有勇氣讓那人知道你的感情。
13:the brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.人若沒法忘記對過去的失敗和痛苦,便不能活得精采。一個美好的未來永遠在於你能否忘記過去。
14:distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距離使兩顆心靠得更近。
15:not sad, please do not install the ending.不是悲哀的、請不要裝結(jié)局。
16:all roads lead to rome. 條條大路通羅馬。
17:love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you.我愛你,不是因為你是一個怎樣的人,而是因為我喜歡與你在一.起..
18:the beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them with our own image, otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.愛情是讓你所愛的那個人可以做回自己,而不是成為你心中的理想形象。否則,你愛的只是從對方身上反映出來的自己。
19:love keeps the cold out better than a cloak. 愛比大衣更能驅(qū)走寒冷。
20:a relationship should be between two people, not the whole world.愛情是兩個人的事,與旁人無關(guān)。
21:the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫過于,他近在身旁,卻猶如遠在天邊。
22:i love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.only in this way can i know what will not be abandoned by time. for example, when you love someone, changes are all around. then i step backward and watching it silently, then i see the true feelings.
23:with the last breath of my soul i’ll be blessing you 在我靈魂最后的呼吸中我祝福你。
24:love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.愛是永恒的,外表可能改變,但本質(zhì)永遠不變。
25:leaves are silence around flowers which are their words.一片片葉子靜默的環(huán)繞著一朵朵花兒——每朵花兒都是葉子的心語啊。
26:first impression of you is most lasting. 對你最初的印象,久久難以忘懷。
27:If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.總在乎其他人怎么看你, 那你會一直是他人的奴隸。
28:You may not be the only reason why I smile,but you are definitely my favorite one.也許你不是我微笑的唯一理由,但一定是我最喜歡的那個。
29:i cannot choose the best.the best chooses me.我不能選擇那最好的,是那最好的選擇了我。
30:one word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.that word is love. 有一個詞可以讓我們擺脫生活中所有的負擔(dān)和痛苦,那就是"愛情"。
31:"hard work never killed anybody." but why take the risk "“努力工作不會導(dǎo)致死亡!”不過我不會用自己去證明。
32:atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.一個真正的朋友是向你伸出手,觸動你心靈的人。
33:among thousands of people, you meet those you’ve met. through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late.于千萬人之中,遇見你所遇見的人;于千萬年之中,時間的無涯荒野里,沒有早一步,也沒有晚一步,剛巧趕上了
34:actions speak louder than words.行動比語言更響亮。
35:don’t cry because it came to an end. smile because it heppened. 不要因為它的結(jié)束而哭,應(yīng)當(dāng)因為它的發(fā)生而笑。
36:happiness is about having each tiny wish come ture. 幸福是每一個微小愿望的達成。
37:acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revenge.it’s all for myself to live better. 若無其事,原來是最狠的報復(fù)。
38:god speed your love to me. 愿上帝賜給我你的愛
39:during the whole life, you will regret for two things:one is that you don’t get the one you love and the other is the one you love is not happy. 人的一生,有兩種遺憾最折磨人:一是得不到你心愛的人;二是心愛的人得不到幸福。
40:love me little and love me long.不求情意綿綿,但求天長地久。
41:why is it that i have to climb 1,000 mountains to get to you and all you have to do is smile to get to me 為什么我要翻山越嶺才能靠近你,而你,則只需一個微笑?
42:love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.愛情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜歡飛到哪里,就把歡樂帶到哪里。
43:dream most deep place, only then the smile is not tired. 夢的最深處,只有微笑不累。
44:a young idler, an old beggar.少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。
46:how was your weekend 你周末過得怎么樣?
47:if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden.假如每次想起你我都會得到一朵鮮花,那么我將永遠在花叢中徜徉。
48:i need him like i need the air to breathe.我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空氣。
49:my eyes are the stars over your window,gazing affectionately at you every night.我的目光就是你窗前的星星,每夜都在深情地注視著你。
50:when you are young, you may want several love experiences. but as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough. you need time to know, to forgive and to love.all this needs a very big mind. 年輕的時候會想要談很多次戀愛,但是隨著年齡的增長,終于領(lǐng)悟到愛一個人,就算用一輩子的時間,還是會嫌不夠。慢慢地去了解這個人,體諒這個人,直到愛上為止,是需要有非常寬大的胸襟才行。
1、You Ok, Anna. I Got you.沒事的 安娜 姐姐抱
2、Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!艾莎 你做了什么?你又亂用魔法了!
3、It was an accident. I’m sorry, Anna.都是我不小心 對不起 安娜
4、She’s ice cold. – I know where we have to go.她渾身冰涼! -我知道怎樣救她
6、See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.冰雪美人冷艷又危險
7、Split the ice apart.掘開寒冰勇向前
8、And break the frozen heart.用愛融化冰封的心!
9、Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!嘿!嗬!踏歌行,隨心去
10、Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!嘿!嗬!踏歌行,隨心去
11、Beautiful! Powerful!美麗又強大!
12、Dangerous! Cold!寒冷又危險!
13、Ice has a magic Can’t be controlled.冰雪的魔力難駕馭
14、Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.一當(dāng)十 一當(dāng)百
15、Stronger than a hundred men!誰人能擋寒冬至?
16、Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰
17、This icy force both Foul and Fair.冰雪嚴(yán)寒只等閑
18、Has a frozen heart worth mining.誓破堅冰續(xù)奇緣
19、Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.劈開冰塊冷又堅
20、Strike for love and strike for fear.戰(zhàn)勝恐懼求真愛
21、There’s beauty and there’s Danger here.冰雪美人冷艷又危險
22、Split the ice apart!掘開寒冰勇向前
23、Beware the frozen heart.用愛融化冰封的心!
24、Come on, Sven!快跟上 斯特!
25、Elsa. Psst艾莎 喂
27、Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒醒 快醒醒
28、Anna, go back to sleep.安娜 快回去睡覺
29、I just can’t. The sky’s awake, so I’m awake,我睡不著 天還醒著 我也醒著
30、so we have to play.快起來陪我玩吧
31、Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧
32、Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆個雪人?
33、Come on, come on, come on, come on.快! 快! 姐姐快!
34、Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的'魔法! 用魔法!
35、Ready? – Uhhm…準(zhǔn)備好哦! – 喔…
36、This is amazing!哇!好神奇!
37、Watch this!看好了!
38、Hi, I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨!我叫雪寶,喜歡熱情的擁抱!
39、I love you, Olaf.我愛你 雪寶
40、Al’right. Catch me! – Gotcha!接住我! -接住啦!
41、Again! Wait!再來一次! -等下!
42、Slow down!慢一點!
45、Mama! Papa!媽媽!爸爸!.
46、Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰
47、This icy force both foul and fair.冰雪嚴(yán)寒只等閑
48、Has a frozen heart worth mining.誓破堅冰續(xù)奇緣
49、Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.劈開冰塊冷又堅
50、Strike for love And Strike for fear.戰(zhàn)勝恐懼求真愛
1.Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining.
2.This icy force both foul and fair has a frozen heart worth mining.
3.Cut through the heart ,cold and clear .Strike for love and strike for fear.See the beauty sharp and sheer.
4.Split the ice apart.And break the frozen heart.
5.Hi ,I’m Olaf . And I like warm hugs.
6.Do you want to build a snowman? It doesn’t have to be a snowman.
Go away , Anna. Okay ,bye.
走開,安娜。 好吧,再見。
6.I’m right out here for you .just let me in.we only have each other .It’s just you and me ,what are we gonna do?
7.Because I don’t trust your judgment . Excuse me ? who marries a man she just met?
因為我不相信你的判斷。 你說什么? 誰跟一個陌生人結(jié)婚了?
8.I always want a nose. So cute.It’s like a little baby unicorn.
我一直想要一個鼻子。 真可愛。像個小獨角獸寶寶。
9.Oh , I don’t know why .But I’ve always loved the idea of summer , and sun ,and all hot things .
10.Really ,I’m guessing you don’t have much experience with heat.
11.Winter is good time for stay in and cuddle but put me in summer and I’ll be a happy snowman.
冬天特別適合打在家里睡懶覺 ,但在夏天我就是一個快樂的雪人。
12.Yes ,I’m alone . But I’m alone and free.Just stay away and you’ll be safe from me .[作文5000網(wǎng) zW5000.COm]
13. Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.
14. Don’t be the monster they fear you are.
15. Some people are worth melting for.Just maybe not right this second.
16. You sacrificed yourself for me ? I love you.
你為我犧牲了自己? (因為)我愛你呀。
現(xiàn)如今,越來越多的人想要去了解一些開場白,獨具匠心的開場白,才能給人留下深刻的印象。那么,好的開場白要怎么寫呢?下面是小編幫大家整理的冬季婚禮主持詞開場白,供大家參考借鑒,希望可以幫助到有需要的朋友。冰雪奇緣婚禮主持詞 篇1各位親朋好友、街坊鄰居大家早上好!在這春意盎然、喜慶吉祥的美好日...